
FBI Director Wray Says He Put in Place Anti-Bias Training: ‘Everybody at the Top Has to Take the Medicine First’

‘I started with the top 200, 300 or so people in the organization, brought them all to Quantico for an entire day’
By Grabien Staff


WRAY: “One of the things that I did as FBI director, and I did this a couple years ago, was in order — and this, frankly, was in reaction in many ways more to both the Hillary Clinton investigation, as well as the Crossfire Hurricane investigation — was that I put in place training for the entire workforce that focused specifically not just on the importance of avoiding bias, but the importance of avoiding even the appearance of bias. And one of the things that I did to make sure that I was sending that message was that, rather than like the way it normally happens in a bureaucracy where all the training gets saddled on all the folks on the front lines right out of the gates, I started with the top 200, 300 or so people in the organization, brought them all to Quantico for an entire day stand down. We heard from the federal judiciary, the inspector general, the Hatch Act, office of special counsel, the whole point of it was the importance of not just objectivity, but making sure that we are faithful to the appearance of objectivity as well. And then we had a smaller version of that that went out to the whole workforce. But the idea was to send the message that everybody at the top has to take the medicine first.”

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