
Fetterman: ‘You All Should Need to Know that America Is Not Sending Their Best and Brightest to Washington, D.C.’

‘These people are making the decisions that are determining the government here’
By Grabien Staff


FETTERMAN: “You all should need to know that America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington, D.C. Sometimes, you literally just can’t believe. These people are making the decisions that are determining the government here. It’s actually scary. Before the government almost shut down, it came down to a couple hours. I was in my office and they finally came over from the house and they were like okay, well, this has to be unanimous in the Senate. Out of 99 of us, if one single one of us would’ve said no, the whole government would have shut down. That’s how dangerous that is to put that kind of power in one’s hands because you have some very less gifted kinds of people there that are willing to shut down the government just to score points on fox.”

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