
Finney on Late Term Abortion: ‘Health or Life of the Mother, Yes’

‘Every single human being has a different health care situation’
By Grabien Staff


FINNEY: "But part of the reason that in the black — in the black community, for women, we have higher maternal mortality rates, we have higher rates of pregnancy complications, which mean, exactly to Meghan's point, a woman has to be able to make that decision, no matter how many weeks it is. If you're for health, life of the mother — "

JENNINGS: "Even late term?"

FINNEY: "Health or life of the mother — yes, in some instances, that may be what is required, because that's — in some instances, that may preserve this woman's ability to have children in the future. And every single human being has a different health care situation, biology, that their doctor should be making those decisions with them, not politicians jumping in the bedroom telling them what to do."

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