
Flanagan: Tim Walz Is My Partner in Justice

‘We wanted to make sure that Minnesotans could see themselves reflected in both of us’
By Grabien Staff


FLANAGAN: "Well, he is my partner, in justice, you know. We decided to run together as a ticket in 2017, a full year before the election, and we wanted to make sure that Minnesotans could see themselves reflect did in both of us. Right? He is a coach, and a teacher, and a veteran, and from a rural community. And I am a Native American woman, a nonprofit leader, suburban mom, and we thought the people would be able to see themselves reflected in us, and since that time, we’ve been able to deliver on things like free breakfast and lunch for kids, paid family and medical leave, investments in childcare, and making sure that Minnesota is the best place in the country to raise a child. And so all that work we did as partners at side-by-side, and I am just over the moon that vice president Harris now gets to have Tim Walz by her side, because I’ve been so blessed to be able to serve with him for the last five years."

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