
Flashback: A.G. Lynch Emphasized Dylann Roof’s Motivation in Charleston Aftermath

‘Roof conceived of his goal of increasing racial tensions throughout the nation and seeking retribution for perceived wrongs he believed African Americans had committed against white people’
By Grabien Staff

Sunday Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced the Department of Justice/FBI would redact from the Orlando terrorist's 911 call any references to Islamic terrorism. The announcement is notable in how sharply it contrasts with Lynch's handling of the Dylann Roof's killing of nine black parishioners at a Charleston church.

Lynch told Chuck Todd Sunday she was redacting the 911 call because "we're not going to ... further this man's propaganda. ... We're not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance and all that." 

On CNN, Lynch told Dana Bash, "The reason why we’re going to limit these transcripts is to avoid revictimizing those who went through this horror." 

Yet last July, when Lynch announced federal hate crime charges against Roof, Lynch expressly emphasized his motivation.

“Several months prior to the tragic events of June 17, Roof conceived of his goal of increasing racial tensions throughout the nation and seeking retribution for perceived wrongs he believed African Americans had committed against white people," Lynch said during a press conference. "To carry out these twin goals of fanning racial flames and exacting revenge, Roof further decided to seek out and murder African Americans because of their race."

Lynch even acknowledged Roof sought to create as much notoriety as possible, something her press conference ostensibly helped him achieve. 

"An essential element of his plan, however, was to find his victims inside of a church, specifically an African-American church," she said, "to ensure the greatest notoriety and attention to his actions."

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