
Fmr. Federal Prosecutor Jim Trusty: Trump’s Defense Should Put Robert Costello on the Stand

‘I have to say I’ve gone from the camp on don’t put on any defence to putting on just Bob Costello’
By Grabien Staff


TRUSTY: “Yeah, look, I had the fortune of meeting Bob just a couple of days ago and we talked at length, and I got to say I’ve gone from the camp of don’t put on any defense to putting on just Bob Costello. Look, I think he is a kind of a gruff, truth-telling 51-year attorney from New York. He’s going to have devastating information that contradicts Cohen, as well as opinion testimony, which is fair game about honesty of Michael Cohen. He’s going to say Cohen wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him between the eyes. And he also turned the lens a little bit towards the prosecuting office that he was trying to warn, don’t build a case on Michael Cohen, he’s completely untrustworthy. So I think those are things you have to put on in these circumstances. You never really know if you need it or not in terms of how Cohen was cross-examined. So you’ve got to put this stuff on and then go right to closing argument and say they’re trying to sell you, you know, a bill of goods at the lips of Michael Cohen, probably the least credible witness I’ve ever seen on a witness stand in 35 years.”

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