
Fmr. Gov. Schwarzenegger Says Sen. Manchin Stands Out as a Potential Contender in the 2024 Race

‘He comes from an energy state, but he’s a Democrat. So he knows the challenges’
By Grabien Staff


SCHWARZENEGGER: "You know, I think, like, Joe Manchin is one of them that I think stands out because he is kind of like a center guy. He comes from an energy state, but he's a Democrat. So, he knows the challenges and all that stuff. But he's one of the guys that I think is really a great force. But there's many others. We just have to give — in general, without endorsing anybody, I think we have to give people a chance to emerge. The political system is set up in a such a way right now that Trump is kind of, like, taking the air out of everything, you know, and Biden is doing it on the other side. It kind of, like, comes down to both of them running, really, for president."

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