
Fmr. Obama Speechwriter, Who Was at the Fundraiser with Clooney and Biden, Confirms that Biden Was the Same as He Was During the Debate

‘It was not surprising to any of us who are at the fundraiser’
By Grabien Staff


FAVREAU: "I mean, it was not surprising to any of us who were at the fundraiser. I was there. Clooney was exactly right. And every single person I talked to at the fundraiser thought the same thing, except for the, you know, people working for Joe Biden, or at least they didn't say that. But I remember my wife, Emily, turned to me after the fundraiser and said, 'What are we going to do?' I mean -- and I said, 'Well, there's a debate in a week. Either, he'll do well on the debate, and we'll think, well, he was just tired because he flew all the way back from Europe and that'll be that, or he'll be like this at the debate and then the whole country will be talking about it.' And so, here we are."


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