
Former Biden Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz: Elected Officials Engaging in Conspiracy Theories Is ‘Really Sickening to Me’

‘People who are peddling them, like Tucker Carlson, are in it for power, and they’re in it for profit’
By Grabien Staff


JANKOWICZ: “Yes, that is absolutely right, ali. I mean, I think we are headed towards a really scary situation in the 2024 election. As the Republicans continue to make efforts to push back on any sort of counter disinformation initiatives. We saw last week, you and I talked about that injunction against the bottom restoration from talking to any social media companies. There has been a temporary stay issued in that injunction. I think we are going to see, probably, a ruling upheld of the gets heard in the fifth circuit. I worry that conspiracy theorists, there are people who fall into that for comfort, for community. The people who are peddling them, like took across, and for instance, they are in it for power and for profit.”

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