
Former Classmate Recalls Trump Shooter Grilling Him: ‘You’re Hispanic, So Shouldn’t You Hate Trump?’

‘He did not like our politicians’
By Grabien Staff


TAORMINA: "Thomas was a quiet kid unless there was something that he was passionate about, politics being one of them. He just did not like politicians, especially with the choices that we’ve had. He did not like our politicians. It was especially during 2016, it was Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, all of them. He showed this — that he disliked all of them, did not like any of them. So I brought the fact that I’m Hispanic and, you know, I’m for Trump, and he said, 'Well, you’re Hispanic, so shouldn't you hate Trump?' And I was like, 'Um, no. He's great. I mean that. He's a great president.'  And he's — you know, he called me stupid or insinuated that I was stupid, he said, 'Well, that’s kind of stupid.' He was a know-it-all. So, like, once again, if he was passionate about something, he would just talk, talk, talk and acted like he knew everything, especially politics-related.” 

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