
Fox News: Bernie Backer Asked to Introduce Hillary, Blasts Clinton on Her Own Stage

‘The only thing she cares about is pleasing her donors, the billionaires who fund her campaign’
By Grabien Staff

Speaker Slams Hillary At Clinton Rally, Immediately Gets Dragged Off Stage (The Daily Caller

Kaleb Vanfosson was scheduled to introduce Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders at a rally for Hillary Clinton in Ames, Iowa, Saturday, but things didn’t go as planned for the campaign.

Vanfosson, president of the Iowa State chapter of Students for Bernie, ended up being dragged off stage after he slammed Clinton as someone who only “cares about is pleasing her donors, the billionaires who fund her election.”

The remarks came as Vanfosson was supposed to be introducing Sanders. While talking about student loan debt and attacking Republican Donald Trump for failing to talk about the issue, Vanfosson said, “But unfortunately, Hillary doesn’t care either. The only thing she cares about is pleasing her donors, the billionaires who fund her campaign.”



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