
Fox’s Cavuto to Janet Yellen: Have You Ever Tried to Pull Biden Aside and Tell Him Inflation Wasn’t 9% When He Took Office?

‘You know that was not the case’
By Grabien Staff


CAVUTO: “I wonder if you could weigh in, Secretary, on Joe Biden constantly saying, and I don’t believe he’s ever corrected it, ma’am, that inflation was 9 percent when he assumed office. And I’ve talked about this with other economic advisers at the White House, and they find ways to say, well, it was getting there and that’s what he’s referring to. But he keeps saying it was 9 percent when he took office. You’re the top money person in the White House. And you know that was not the case. Have you ever tried to pull him aside and say, Mr. President, just so you know, inflation was not that high when you took office?”

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