
Frank Figliuzzi: ‘I View the Supreme Court as a National Security Issue’

‘I’m not going to sugarcoat this’
By Grabien Staff


FIGLIUZZI: “I must have missed the part in the Constitution where the president must be bold, that’s interesting. I — the part of the Constitution that I recall is that I took the same oath when I joined the FBI that the president of the United States has, which is to preserve, protect, and defend the United States and the Constitution. So — look, I’m not going to sugarcoat this. I view the Supreme Court as a national security issue. The certain members that we’re talking about, there is an agenda here. They went out of their way — I’m perfectly fine with disagreeing with a Supreme Court decision. Heck, I went to law school, I can argue both sides of anything, right? But that’s not what they did here.”

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