
George Santos: CNN Loves to Criticize Republicans When They Do Exactly What the Dems Did

‘Oh, I think it’s amazing when — ‘
By Grabien Staff


SANTOS: "Well, I think it’s amazing when I see networks like CNN, they love to criticize Republicans when they do exactly what the Democrats did. I don’t recall seeing CNN’s outrage when Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, then did it. So, she set the precedent, he’s just following her footsteps. I guess it’s eye for an eye at this point. Look, I was always in favor of the process — "
BURNETT: "But I  guess — just take a step back though. I understand your point, eye for an eye. But if someone says it’s a dark day for the rule of law, why is the right thing to do to say, 'Oh, well, when I have the power, I’m cool with a dark day for the rule of law?'"
SANTOS: "Look, it’s not like he paraded in excitement and was cheering on what his decision was. It wasn’t a decision he took lightly. I’m not here to speak for him, but I support his decision.” 

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