
Gingrich: Dems Think Young Voters Are ‘Simple Minded’ with ‘Free Beer,’ ‘Free Birth Control,’ and ‘Free College Tuition’

‘Kamala is hopeless’
By Grabien Staff


GINGRICH: “I think that stuff with beer and contraception, this is childish. This assumes that young people are so simple-minded that they have a single point of reference, that they don’t think about not getting a job, they don’t think about not being able to buy a house, they don’t think about the price of groceries this week. You know, they are supposed to just go, 'Oh, my gosh, I get a free beer. Gee, I really like Joe Biden.' That’s stupid. I mean, most people, most Americans are just much more complicated than the people in the White House. That’s the reality."

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