
Giuliani Slams Desk in Rant Against Trump Indictment: ‘You Don’t Get to Violate People’s First Amendment Rights, Smith!’

‘No matter who the hell you are, or no matter how sick you are with Trump derangement syndrome’
By Grabien Staff


GIULIANI: "Long ago, I stopped being careful and I don’t worry about the Jack Smiths of this world. I have a chapter in my book called 'Stand up to bullies,' so here’s what I say to Jack Smith. After the Supreme Court threw out your case, you should have been disgraced and you should have gone and found another profession because you don’t belong in this one, this one will be your legacy. Violating the right of free speech of an American citizen, never mind whether he was president or not. It could be anybody, it could be a homeless person, you don’t get to violate people’s First Amendment rights, Smith, no matter who the hell you are or no matter how sick you are with your Trump derangement syndrome! And this isn’t the first time you’ve acted like an unethical lawyer, but should be the last."


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