
Google Whistleblower: ‘Machine Learning Fairness Is and Has Always Been the Real Censorship Program’

‘The goal was to, quote, “program the public to align with Google’s corporate values”‘
By Grabien Staff


VORHIES: “Make no mistake, machine learning fairness is and has always been the real censorship program and it is massive. The goal was to, quote, 'program the public to align with Google’s corporate values,' those are their words. This was a 4-step process laid out by the AI ethicist Margaret Mitchell who has since been fired for unethical behavior. Step 1: training data are collected and classified. Step 2: algorithms are programmed. Step 3: media are filtered, ranked, aggregated or generated. And step 4: people like us are programmed. That’s a direct quote from their slides. It wasn’t just in one slide, it was littered throughout the company.”


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