
GOP Rep. Burchett: I’ll ‘Look Strongly’ at McCarthy Ouster if He Deals with Democrats to Avert Shutdown

‘Our financial ship is sinking’
By Grabien Staff


BURCHETT: "That would be something I would look strongly at, ma'am, if we do away with our duty that we said we're going to do. They're all talking about this promise that he made with Biden a year ago — I mean, with Biden a year ago. What about the promise we made to the American public that we were going to be responsible Americans? Ma'am, we are going to be — we are going to be governing over a pile of rubble if we're not careful. Our financial ship is sinking. And the American public needs to realize, all these fancy titles, CRs and omnibus to confuse the American public is not working. The curtain's off. We need to do our duty. We should be back in Washington right now and dealing with it. But what are we doing? Well, they sent us home."

(Via Breitbart)

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