PRITZKER: "We here in Illinois follow the law. They don’t seem to believe in that. At the White House, consistently, they’ve been breaking the law and they’ve put in place unconstitutional orders. They’re trying to take away birthright citizenship, which is right there in the Constitution. And by the way, we have laws on the books that do two things. One is we want to arrest and take out of our country those who are violent criminals, who are undocumented. Frankly, I don’t want them in my state or in the country. Those laws are on the books already. But we also have laws on the books that say that people who’ve been here a long time, who are following the rules or paying their taxes, or holding down jobs, who happen to be undocumented, that we’re not going to have our police here locally coordinating with federal officials to have them taken away. We want people like that in this country. We’re a country of immigrants, mostly, and we ought to abide by that principle.”