
Gowdy on Trump: How Do You Convince a Jury that the Fact Don’t Match the Law if the Judge Doesn’t Allow You to Argue the Law?

‘If you are the lawyer giving summation, the job of the jury is to apply the facts to the law’
By Grabien Staff

GOWDY: "I was in the courtroom when  he said that.  my reaction was to be stunned.  if you are the lawyer giving  summation, the job of the jury  is to apply the facts to the  law.  how can a lawyer make an  argument, closing argument to  the jury whether you are a  prosecutor or defense attorney  without making reference to the  law.  what I used to say is I think  the judge is going to tell you  the law was x.  if he tells you something or  she tells you something  otherwise, follow what the  judge tells you.  every judge in America will  allow you to say that except  the one presiding over this  trial.  he has made it clear one of the  few times he ever sustained an  objection against the  prosecution by the defense was  because they were talking about  the law.  how do you convince a jury that  the fact don’t match the law if  the judge is not allowing you  to argue the law.  I’ve never seen that before.  I’ve never seen a judge not  allow the jury instructions to  go back with the jury.  how can you remember  fiftysomething pages work of  archaic legal instruction based  on your memory.  how can you do that?"

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