
Graham: Biden, Trump and All Future Presidential Nominees Should Have ‘Neurological Exams’

‘People in the line of succession should have a neurological exam’
By Grabien Staff


GRAHAM: “Yes. Yes, I think both — all nominees for president going into the future should have neurological exams as part of an overall physical exam. I think people in the line of succession should have a neurological exam. My predecessor, Senator Thurmond, was a very vigorous man, but he was 100. He was the speaker pro tem of the Senate. This is a wakeup call for the country. We need to make sure that the people who are going to be in the line of succession are capable of being commander in chief under dire circumstances. Here’s what I worry about, that our allies see a compromised Joe Biden, that our enemies see a compromised Joe Biden, and I’m offended by the idea that he shouldn’t take a competency test, given all the evidence in front of us.”

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