
Greenwald: Russians Are Trying to Silence All Dissent, Which ‘Has Been a Tactic in the U.S. for Some Time as Well’

‘Censorship on either side in the name of war, I think is very dangerous’
By Grabien Staff


GREENWALD: "Yeah, it’s a repressive mindset to say that we are going to eliminate or silence all dissent. You know very well that has been a tactic in the United States for some time as well. At the same time, the thing that concerns me is, we also, our side, the Western side is also resorting to censorship. Facebook and Instagram are taking steps to prevent the spread of Russian messaging, and I think we ought to hear Russian messaging, I think we ought to be able to understood what the other side is saying because maybe there is some truth in that that we don’t otherwise learn of. And it doesn’t mean that it makes Russia any better, that we shouldn't be any less angry over what Russia is doing in Ukraine, but censorship on either side in the name of war, I think is very dangerous."

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