
Greg Gutfeld Dismisses Claim that MAGA Is a Cult: ‘If Trumpism Is a Cult, It’s the Worst Cult in History’

‘If this is a cult, then so is Oktoberfest’
By Grabien Staff


GUTFELD: “If this is a cult, then so is Oktoberfest. I mean, Trump, I think what you can say about Trump-ism, if it’s an “ism,” it’s more like your favorite team, where you root for your guy, and you root against the other guy, but you still can hang out with the other guy’s fans. It’s not a big deal. But they can’t, but the other team can’t do it. Trump, people who are pro-Trump have no problems pulling over and help you change a tire. They don’t care if you got a Biden bumper sticker on your car. They’ll do it. It’s not a two-way street.”

(Via Mediaite)

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