
Gun Designer Finds His ‘Butt Master’ in Canada’s Banned Guns List: ‘Absurd,’ I’ve Got the Only One Right Here

‘I thought, this is hilarious, it’s awesome’
By Grabien Staff


SERBU: “That’s the weird thing. Of I was sent an email, master level trolling, and I wasn’t trolling from 23 years ago. I thought, this is hilarious, it’s awesome. But you look on official Canadian documentation, and you see butt master, how could they do that? What staffer? It’s almost like a game of clue. You know, the idiot staffer with the laptop in the cubicle. That’s who did it. That’s part of it. The story has been dimensions. The here’s something with one shot. Are you going to run into a room, pull it out of your prison wallet, and bang away with one shot while everybody beats you to death.”

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