
Gutfeld on Women’s Groups Silence on Hamas Rapes: ‘You’re Worthless, You’re Pathetic’

‘We have been too easy on these idiots’
By Grabien Staff


GUTFELD: “I'm trying to think who's left to represent? Is it men who say they're women? Because once you no longer stand up for victims of mass rape, what good are you as a woman's group, right? You're -- you're worthless, you're pathetic. I think we need to reframe this because we've been too easy on these idiots. We've given them a free ride by describing October 7th as an act of terror. Because we know the knee jerk response, when you call somebody a terrorist, they always say, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. And then you start talking about the historical context. Well, there is no historical context for sexual atrocity. That is the word, that's the phrase that needs to be employed from now on and October 7th. It was a sexual atrocity.”


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