
Haley: ‘You Don’t Have to Agree with Trump a Hundred Percent of the Time to Vote for Him’

‘We agree more often than we disagree’
By Grabien Staff


HALEY: “But there‘s more to it than that. We should acknowledge that there are some Americans who don‘t agree with Donald Trump 100% of the time. I happen to know some of them. And I want to speak to them tonight.
(Cheering and Applause)
My message to them is simple: You don‘t have to agree with Trump 100% of the time to vote for him.
Take it from me. I haven‘t always agreed with President Trump, but we agree more often than we disagree.
(Cheering and Applause)
We agree on keeping America strong.
We agree on keeping America safe.
And we agree that Democrats has moved so far to the left that they‘re putting our freedoms in danger.
I’m here tonight because we have a country to save, and a unified Republican Party is essential for saving her.”

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