
Hanna Siegel: A Thing that Worries Me and My Family Is that It’s Arguably Not in Netanyahu’s Political Interest to Close a Deal

‘I do think a deal can be reached’
By Grabien Staff


SIEGEL: I do think a deal can be reached. I mean, we know that. A deal was reached in November. Dozens of women and children were released, including my aunt, Aviva Siegel. So, we know that it's possible. And I do think that's really important to remember. The United States plays a critical role. It played a critical role in November. I think, you know, ultimately, this is a negotiation between Hamas and Prime Minister Netanyahu in Israel. And one of the things that really worries my family, and worries me, is that it's arguably not in Prime Minister Netanyahu's political interest to close a deal. You know, for us, this is the moment. These videos — as you know, there was a video released a couple of days ago of another American hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin. I do think that these two videos are a signal from Hamas that they are ready to make a deal and a reminder that there are American citizens being held, including Keith."

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