
Hannity Battles Ramaswamy in Tense Interview: ‘You Say Stuff and Then You Deny It’ [Full Interview]

‘Stop playing these games’
By Grabien Staff


VIVEK: "Sean, that is — Sean, that is a shameful mischaracterization. What I'm talking about, Azerbaijan and Armenia, if I may — "
HANNITY: "Hey, Vivek, wait a minute. Stop right now. I’ll read the exact — you do this in every single interview. You say stuff and then you deny it. You deny your own words. So, you know, why don’t you just own what you say and stand by it and stop playing these games?"
RAMASWAMY: "I am owning what I say, Sean."
HANNITY: "Well, why don't you just tell me what you said?"
RAMASWAMY: "Sean, I am owning what I say. I’m telling you -- "
HANNITY: "You’re a smart guy, I would assume you remember what I say."
RAMASWAMY: "People can watch that entire interview on Twitter and X anytime they want. Yeah, I absolutely do.”

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