
Hannity on Biden’s Dog Biting 24 Agents, Insinuating to Get it Put Down: ‘Sad Thing to Do’ But It’s for the ‘Safety of Others’

‘Once they get aggressive, it’s very difficult to alter and change that behavior’
By Grabien Staff


HANNITY: "A dog trainer friend of mine actually describes every dog as a baby wolf and they have a pack mentality. Once they get aggressive, it’s very difficult to alter and change that behavior. Look at the case of Joe Biden. Initially, we had heard, okay, maybe Secret Service agent, maybe three, and then at one point we read 24? In that particular case, if somebody is biting people and in large numbers like that, it’s a sad thing to do, but at some point, doesn’t it become the responsible thing for the safety of others that you don’t allow a dog at least around anybody else, at the very least?"

NOEM: "Well, and that was our situation, was this dog had come to us from another family that had already found her to be too aggressive. They’d had issues before and we put her through months of training and were working with her. It’s an unfortunate situation, but one that I hope people understand that they need to hear the truth, not what the media has been spending. The media continuously, through the fake news, does not always tell the truth, they spin the story. They did the same thing to me during Covid and they are doing it again here. I hope people buy the book and read the truth."

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