
Harold Ford Jr.: If Biden Doesn’t Do Well in the Debates, There Might Be Calls for a New Candidate

‘If he performs well, the same thing could be set on the other side’
By Grabien Staff


FORD JR.: “Democrats I went back 90% of the black vote. I think it’s going to happen again. We will see. The main thing is you can’t take voters for granted. Why do you rob banks? That is where the money is. Democrats go to Hollywood, because that is where the money is. Republicans — they go down some Mar-a-Lago. A bunch of billionaires show up around the table. I give President Trump great credit for being able to do that. This is the thing that will really be the decisive factor at this early point in the campaign. This is the longest campaign we have seen for president and every day. It keeps getting longer. June 27th will be one of the demarcation dates to understand where the guys stand on the critical issues. It can very well be if President Biden does not perform well in June 27th, there will be louder voices in the Democratic Party say maybe we need a different candidate. If he performs well, the same thing could be set on the other side. Probably not likely but it put Biden in a stronger position than today.”

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