
Harry Enten: Biden Is ‘Doing Significantly Worse than He’s Ever Done Against Donald Trump’

‘And that is specifically a true among independent voters’
By Grabien Staff


ENTEN: “Among independents, when you match up Joe Biden against Donald Trump and Kamala Harris against Donald Trump, Donald Trump leads among independents when he's against Biden by four points. Look at that match-up, though, against Kamala Harris. In fact, Kamala Harris is up five points. That is the big reason why Harris is doing better in the overall numbers against Donald Trump than Joe Biden is. She, simply put, does better with those voters in the middle. And I will note, too, there are far fewer voters who at this particular point have an opinion of Harris than of Biden, and all of those voters tend to have a negative opinion of Joe Biden. The fact is, Harris, simply put, in my mind, can‘t really do any worse than Biden is, given how unpopular Donald Trump is, and that is, in my opinion, why independents are flowing, flowing to Harris in comparison to Biden against Donald Trump, because the fact is, Biden is so unpopular amongst them. If I were a Democratic donor, if I were a Democratic activist, I might be willing to take a roll of the dice because at this particular point, Joe Biden is doing significantly worse than he‘s ever done against Donald Trump, and that is specifically a true among independent voters."

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