
Hawaii Gov.: House Probe on Hawaii Wildfire Isn’t American, We Don’t Need to Be Political

‘We want red states and blue states to get help’
By Grabien Staff


GREEN: "I have a bunch of needs, actually. So, one, I — of course, if people donate money to the Hawaii Community Foundation or the Red Cross, that’s gonna mean direct money to people that are homeless or would be homeless if we didn’t have these shelters for them, I need them to please ask everyone not to be political once the Congress gets back together and help Hawaii and help South Carolina and North Carolina and Florida. I need that — I need us to move right past, real quickly, any kind of political fight over continuing resolution, because that’s not American. We really love everyone. We want red states and blue states to get help. And then the last thing I need is, I need attorneys and people who might otherwise see an opportunity to dive in here and perhaps — perhaps take some of the resources away from the poor families that lost everything. I need them to let us try to take care of them in a generous way. There’s a lot of predatory behavior that happens, and I’d like that did not happen."

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