
Hawaii Gov.: We’lll Hold Everyone Accountable on How Wildfire Started ... We’re Dealing with Global Warming Here

‘We will release all the reports’
By Grabien Staff


GREEN: “It’s a good question. Two days in, which was on the 10th, I asked my attorney general and instructed her to do an investigation. So she’s doing that right now. She’s wrought in an outside investigator in that has fire expertise. She’s going to find out exactly how much. We do know the early fire was sparked. I want to jump to conclusions because I don’t think it’s fair for me to do that but we will hold everyone accountable and we will be transparent about it. We will release all the reports. I think at the end of the day, we all have to acknowledge that this is a global problem, it was a very hot, dry, terrible storm. We are dealing with global warming. We have six total fire emergencies from 1953 to 2003 and then we had six in the first two weeks of this month. So, it’s a disaster waiting to happen because it’s so hot but we will get to the bottom of actual responsibility and that will contribute to how we try to bring some kind of financial closure to people for this tragedy.”

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