
HHS Sec. Becerra: We Will Withhold Funds from Religious Hospitals that Refuse to Provide Sex-Change Operations for Young Children

‘If a healthcare facility is violating the law and not providing the service they’re required to, they are not entitled to the resources’
By Grabien Staff


BECERRA: "Doctors don’t get federal funding, ma’am."

MILLER: "But the hospitals do."

BECERRA: "Okay, so now talk to me about the hospital. Don't confuse the two."

MILLER: "Okay."

BECERRA: "A doctor's not a hospital."

MILLER: "But the doctors are working in these hospitals. Are you gonna say today that you're committing that you will not withhold federal funding from those healthcare facilities?"

BECERRA: "If a healthcare facility is violating the law and not providing the service they're required to, they are not entitled to resources."

MILLER: "Okay. We knew that you would withdraw federal funding."

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