
Hillary Clinton: Americans Do Not Know Biden’s Accomplishments As They Only Get News from Social Media

‘They don’t get their news from MSNBC’
By Grabien Staff


HILLARY: "Look, I think it’s true that a lot of people don’t even know what he has done. Part of that is they don’t get their news from MSNBC, they get their news from social media, if they get any news at all. They don’t have the kind of information that would give them confidence in knowing what their government is doing. We have this bizarre situation where bridges are being built and roads are being fixed and people who didn’t vote for the money to do that are claiming credit for it, and how our citizens supposed to make up their minds? So, we have a splintered information ecosystem, which really works to the disadvantage of somebody who is not a performer in a political theater sense, but is a producer in a political results sense. You know, how long can you talk about infrastructure? It gets boring. Let’s change and talk about Donald Trump or one of these other people who do nothing but give us negative messages, because that is so much more exciting. And at the end of the day, how people get information is the basis on which they make decisions in a democracy, and we have a very difficult time breaking through that.“

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