
Hillary: ‘I Think It Would Be the End of Our Country as We Know It’ if Trump Is Reelected

‘I don’t say that lightly’
By Grabien Staff


CLINTON: “I can't even think that, because I think it would be the end of our country as we know it. And I don't say that lightly. You know, I hated losing and I especially hated losing to him, because I had seen so many warning signals --"
HOSTIN: "Yes."
CLINTON: "-- during the campaign. But I immediately said, 'Look, we have to give him a chance. We've got to support, you know, the president we have,' and I meant it. And I tried really hard. And then literally, from his inauguration on, it was nothing but you know, accusing people of things, making up facts, denying the size of the crowd at his own inauguration. And everything that I worried about, I saw unfolding.”


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