
Home Depot Co-Founder Avoids Endorsing Trump: ‘I’m Just Going to Keep My Powder Dry’

‘I think the most important decision he is going to make is who his running mate is’
By Grabien Staff


LANGONE: "Let me say this to you. I said on television a couple weeks ago that I was going to vote for my wife."

INGRAHAM: "Okay. That’s cute. But that doesn’t work on 'The Ingraham Angle.'”

LANGONE: "I know. I think the most important decision he is going to make is who his running mate is. Because his running mate has the best shot of being the best president because he can't -- he is finished after this term. And I think I’m just going to keep my powder dry and watch and see what he — "

INGRAHAM: "So you would consider sitting out the elections and not supporting Trump if he picks someone that you didn’t think was qualified?"

LANGONE: "Well, first of all, I live in New York State. My vote doesn’t count."

INGRAHAM: "No, but your money counts. They need your money."

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