
Horsford on Biden’s Impeachment Inquiry: The Attempt Is to Distract from the Fact that Republicans Have No Agenda

‘The House Republicans have no basis of evidence to bring this impeachment’
By Grabien Staff

HORSFORD: "Well, the Republican attempt is to distract from the fact that Republicans have no agenda. For the American people. In fact, they’re trying to take away freedoms, protections, and rights for the American people. Whether that’s woman’s right to make their own health decisions, our rights to have access to that ballot box, or oh the freedoms that we hope they are in this country, including that rights to economic justice, which is a major focus of the Congressional Black Caucus going into 2024 congressional here. The House Republicans have no basis of evidence to bring this impeachment. In fact, their own people who testified in the hearings could not state with any evidence why they were bringing this impeachment inquiry against President Biden. And that is why it’s important that every one of us do what we can to show up and make sure that our voices are heard in the upcoming 2024 elections."

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