
House Republican Takes Parting Shot at CNN’s Ratings After Trainwreck Interview: ‘In the Tank’

‘Are you gonna let me talk’
By Grabien Staff


BURCHETT: “And there is a — there’s several checks that have been made available to you all and you just refused to show them. And by saying there is no evidence, ma’am, I realize that’s the Democrat national talking points that you all continue to regurgitate. But the truth is, is that this stuff is out there, and it would behoove you all to look at if you are investigative reporters, if not, just put it at the bottom, paid for by the Democrat National Committee. Because this is clearly, clearly money. We’re talking about $30 million. What qualifications does Hunter Biden have for receiving $30 million from Burisma, of all places, from Russian oligarchs, from Chinese communist members?” 

(Via Mediaite)

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