
Hutchinson on Hitting 40K Donors to Qualify for Debate: ‘We’re About 5,000’

‘This bothers me that the RNC set this artificial line that you got to cross in order to qualify for the debate’
By Grabien Staff


HEWITT: "Now, governor, there's a difference between 5,000 and 35,000. Where are you on that spectrum in terms of number of donors?"
HUTCHINSON: "Well, we're -- we're about 5,000. So we've got to -- we got, again, more work to do. We've got time to do it. But your point is well taken. This bothers me that the RNC has set this artificial line that you've got to cross in order to qualify for the debate. We ought to be more expansive than that, rather than restricted. You think about 40,000 donors, what does it take to get 40,000 donors? Perhaps it takes an explosive rhetoric in which you're totally uncontrolled and undisciplined, and that gets people excited, or you have to spend a lot of money to get there. And so the RNC is basically saying, 'You need to spend one to two million dollars in order to generate 40,000 donors. We're going to get there but it's just a matter of dollars and cents and magnifying the message between now and August."

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