
Ian Bremmer Tells CNN’s New Day: ‘This Has Been a Good Week for Trump’ Outside of ‘CNN-Land’

‘You really want the big picture?’
By Grabien Staff

Ian Bremmer Tells CNN’s New Day: ‘This Has Been a Good Week For Trump’ Outside of ‘CNN-Land’ (Mediaite)  

Among other things, this week in the news has seen; the release of the bombshell audio between President Donald Trump and his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, a controversy in which the Trump White House barred a respected journalist from an event because she asked uncomfortable questions during a pool spray, and Cohen claiming that the president knew and approved of his son’s Trump Tower meeting with Russians.

No matter, says political scientist and Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer. It was still a good week for Donald Trump.

Appearing on New Day Friday, Bremmer said that the news of the GDP growing at 4 percent, coupled with earning some concessions from the Europeans on trade makes this a productive past few days in Trump-world.

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