
Ice Cube Passed Up a $9 Million Movie Deal to Avoid Getting a Covid Vaccine

‘I never thought it was a producer’s mandate’
By Grabien Staff


ICE CUBE: “Some producers, you know, had their own different opinion. So, anyway, it was a studio mandate, they put it on individual producers. So, producers talked to my people and they’re like, ‘If you don’t take it, you know, he can’t be in the movie.’ It’s like, ‘He’s not taking it. He’s not taking it.’ So they go, ‘Okay, he can’t do to movie.’ Okay, no problem. Now, I didn’t go out telling everybody what happened. I didn’t put the word out that — I didn’t even tell people that I wasn’t vaccinated, I didn’t tell people not to go get vaccinated, I didn’t tell people that I’m not doing this movie because I don’t want to be vaccinated. But somehow, some way, the news hit — I don’t know if Hollywood Reporter or somebody put it out that this is why Cube is not doing the movie, and I thought it was chickensh*t, thought it was — you know, it’s like, what happened to the HIPAA laws or OSHA, one of them, I forgot the thing where you’re not supposed to — to reveal a person’s medical status, and here it is, they’re printing mine. And so I just thought it was bullshit and — and which has kind of snowballed, you know, I’m like, ‘What they want is for people to tell me I’m stupid. I mean, they want people to tell me, ‘You’re turning down $9 million, you’re stupid. You know, I’ll do anything for $9 million. How stupid can Cube be?’ And I don’t care about that. You know, it’s like, I didn’t lose $9 million because I never had it. Like, if you never have some sh*t, you can’t lose it, okay? You lose it when it’s in your bank account and then you look up and it’s gone. You know what I’m saying? But if you never had it, I didn’t lose it. It just was never given to me. And so, you know, they — they tried to, you know, put my business in the street, put pressure on me, everybody around me telling me how stupid I am so I can go get vaxxed and say, you know, ‘Please let me do the movie.’ I don’t care if it was $20 million, that was never gonna happen.”

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