
Israel’s Iron Dome Intercepts Rockets During Live CNN Segment

‘Oh God, there’s another one there’
By Grabien Staff


SIDNER: "This is the second night in a row that we have gotten — oh, there’s tracer fire. Can we turn the camera? I see — oh, God, there’s another one there. There’s another one. Come over here to me. There’s another one right above our head, right above our head. Right here. It’s just gone behind the clouds. It’s right above us. All right, we are seeing it right above our head. And I haven’t heard that sound that we normally hear of the Iron Dome responding. But we just saw fire what appears to be from the Iron Dome trying to intercept. There’s the sound. Another one. Another boom. Car alarms now going off. That happens because it rattles, it rattles. There’s two — OK, there, there, there. See it? There’s two, there’s four, three, four, five. There are five incoming right now. Can you guys get me my helmet, please? There are five different — there’s tracer fire coming from the Iron Dome trying to intercept rockets.”

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