
‘It Is Insulting to the American People’: Mollie Hemingway Blasts Biden’s Political Failures

‘This White House has been something of a failure’
By Grabien Staff


HEMINGWAY: “The numbers are very bad. You look at pretty much whatever the policy issue is, this White House has been something of a failure. And it’s about the border, it’s about crime, it’s about the economy, inflation. It’s also about foreign policy. And that speech really almost sounded more like something Kamala Harris might say. Ukraine is a country, and Israel is a country. They are both countries. So they are both the same fight. It wasn’t a very well-argued thing, and the idea that Americans can’t tell the difference between what happened in Israel and the relationship we have with Israel, and the prolonged proxy war against Russia in Ukraine that does not seem to have a strategy for success that makes sense to the American people, it’s insulting to the American people.”

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