
‘It Is Pretty Extraordinary’: Hurt on Biden ‘Trying to Hold Up’ Congress-Allocated Aid to Israel

‘The protesters on college campuses have taken over the White House and basically are dictating foreign policy for Joe Biden in the White House’
By Grabien Staff


HURT: “Well, it’s pretty extraordinary, especially when you look at those clips of Joe Biden talking 15 years ago versus today. The time for debating about whether or not American taxpayers should be paying for aid to Israel is over and done. Congress voted on this. The idea that the president is now trying to hold up weapons and hold up what Congress allocated for Israel because he claims that his concern is that Israel is obstructing aid from getting to civilians in Gaza is pretty extraordinary, especially when you consider the one thing that no one disputes is that Hamas has been from the beginning blocking aid from getting to Israel — I mean, getting to civilians in Gaza. And so, you know, I think what we are looking at right now is this weird situation where the protesters on college campuses have taken over the White House and basically are dictating foreign policy for Joe Biden in the White House.”

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