
‘It’s Pretty Wild That They’re Grasping at Straws’: Tolliver on GOP’s Impeachment Efforts Against Biden

‘It’s also sending voters a signal about how Republicans have used their time and their control of the House’
By Grabien Staff


TOLLIVER: "They lost credibility when Kevin McCarthy went in unilaterally started an impeachment inquiry unofficially back before he was ousted. There was never any credibility in this for them. When I think about how they’re using their time in Congress to weaponize any and everything they can against Biden, it’s pretty wild that they’re grasping at straws. I feel like that sends a message to the public on two levels. One, not that Biden is above approach but clearly nothing at the level of impeachment. Two, it’s also sending voters a signal about how Republicans have used their time and their control of the House."

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