
‘It Would Affect It Tremendously’: Gloria Borger on August Trial Date Affecting Trump’s Ability to Campaign in 2024

‘He could be stuck in court’
By Grabien Staff


BORGER: “Well, it would affect it tremendously because, as Elie says, he could be stuck in court. And, you know, he might be able to get some kind of special dispensation to not be there every day, but when you have jury trials, you know, it’s protocol that you do show up when you’re the defendant. And so I think this has a huge impact. Now, can Trump turn it around and use it to his advantage, to say, I’m being victimized here, look what they’re doing to me, this is a political prosecution? Sure, he would do all of that. But I think to not have him on a campaign trail would really illustrate that he’s got some real problems and might make voters think twice about whether they would want to vote for somebody who could be convicted of a felony.”

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