
Jaime Harrison: DNC Will Be About ‘Team Hope and Joy’; Harris and Walz Are People You Just Want to Hang out With

‘It will be about story-telling’
By Grabien Staff


HARRISON: "Listen, you know, conventions are — yes, there’s the formal process of the nomination and all that, but it is really about storytelling. It is about sharing your story, who you are, what you believe, what your passions are, who you will fight for with the American people, and it is the grandest stage in order to do that. So what we will see, Chris, is throughout these four days we’re going to be telling the story of who Kamala Harris is and who she is going to fight for when she is president of the United States. This is about team hope and joy, and we got our MVP in Kamala Harris and our coach in Tim Walz. I am so excited for folks to get to know who the two of them are and why they are such a great — why they have such great chemistry. I mean, these are the people that you want to just hang out with because you are going to have a good time, and you know that they’re tough as nails and they will always fight for you and have your back."

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