
Jaime Harrison: Trump Is Too Scared To Get on the Stage and Debate Harris

‘It is a huge disappointment for the American people’
By Grabien Staff


HARRISON: "Well, I think it's a huge disappointment for the American people because they want to see these two folks on the debate stage talking about the issues that are important to the American people. You know, we made clear in -- in our convention that this is about our fundamental freedoms. All those things are on the ballot. We know what Donald Trump's Project 2025 is all about, about really going after those freedoms and the rights and -- and the basic level of infrastructure, we have to protect the most vulnerable in our society. There is a full frontal attack coming from the other side. And so those things need to be discussed. Those things need to be debated. And Donald Trump needs to talk about his actual agenda. It's scary to see that this former president is so scared to get on the debate stage, but I guess if -- if I -- if I had his positions I'd be scared to let the American people know what they worry as well."


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