
James Carville: ‘Idiotic Press’ Is Critizing Kamala Harris’ Economic Plan; Companies Are ‘Colluding’ to Raise Prices

‘If I was engaged in price collusion, I’d be worried right now’
By Grabien Staff


CARVILLE: "Well first of all, I agree with everything David said which surprised no one. You know, leontes makes I think said and Mike Tyson, he hit you so hard and changes the way it taste Trump on tastes the same. Now than he did to Sunday. That Biden dropped out of the race. It just completely upended his world and as far her economic plan that she thinks that is companies and getting together in colluding in raising prices. And I think that‘s true. And idiotic press say, wow, can hurt if you do this. But capitalism for work, it can‘t work where you have collusion when airline calls an airline or almost school come to tall and other pharmaceutical company, an insurance calls and other insurance company. Or they have people back challenged each other to see how much they can raise it and I think the American public is on to that I think it‘s a legitimate thing, and I‘m glad to see that she‘s going to investigate it. If I was engaged in price collusion, I'd be worried right now."

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